Tuesday, October 11, 2005

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Freeware Review: Delicioso

If you use De.licio.us (and if you don't, what planet are you on?) for blogging and bookmarking, you could do a lot worse than check out ¡Delicioso!. What is it, you ask? Good question!¡Delicioso! is a neat little freeware program that automates the process of submitting URLs to De.licio.us social bookmarking/tagging service. It takes only seconds, and you can submit URLs in batches. Fill in your De.licio.us username and password, enter your blog (or site's) URL in the URL field, and click Quick Submit, or enter the URL plus the title of the post you want to submit, and click Get Info. the tags for your post will be automatically generated, then you can simply click "submit." Done. What could be easier?

There is a textbox at the bottom of the screen that will either display information for individual links you click there, or that will submit the selected links to De.licio.us for you, and if for some reason you need to gather the tags from an entire blog's postings, you can easily do so by typing the URL, then the title of the blog in the Title field. In the textbox where the URL's appear, simply click on an individual URL with the "Get Info" Button selected. Then, as you click on the individual URL's, the tags for that post are displayed in the tags field, and you can copy and paste them. You can also load URLs from a file stored on your computer, if you like.

For free, and with no limitations of any sort, you have nothing to lose by trying it, so hop on over here
and download it. See if it doesn't turn you into a Delicious power-user very quickly.

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